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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Best Eye Care Tips

1. Take short breaks: avoid spending or sitting long hours before computer rather take short breaks in between and relax. 2. Don’t rub your eyes: this is the common mistake done by many people when something entered your eye, instead take others help to get rid off. 3. Drinking more water helps: by drinking more water you can reduce the puffiness of your eyes and makes...

Tips to avoid coughs and colds

Everyone still seems to be coming down with a cough, cold or even the flu. But you can avoid the snuffles, by putting our Top 10 tips into action 1.Think green. Dark green leafy vegetables, like kale, greens and spinach, Vitamin C and E all help your body fight infections and boost your immune system. - Find lots of tasty recipes with spinach and kale 2. Don't be a sinner. Smoking...