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Saturday, December 12, 2009

3 meals a day is ideal to take care of your hair

Breakfast:1) a cup of milk added to vitamins2) eggs Poached3) a large slice of bread4) the problem of vegetable5) a grain of citrus fruitFood:1) the authority dish containing dark-colored vegetables as Jerir, spinach, broccoli, thyme, lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes, with the addition of 5 grains of walnuts and a teaspoon of flax seed oil.2) 10 pieces of beef liver, grilled...

Pomegranate juice against prostate cancer

U.S. researchers reported that pomegranate juice - which was notorious as a health drink - has the effect of anti-prostate cancer, according to research conducted on laboratory mice.The researchers said in this week's Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, said the prostate tumors in mice that were transferred to human cancer prostate tumors shrank after drinking...

Five symptoms to know Breast Cancer

Breast tumors are the most common tumors in women, and if 90% of benign tumors only 15% of breast tumors are malignant tumors 'cancer'. In America there are about one hundred and eighty thousand new cases of breast cancer, and more than forty thousand deaths from this cancer annually. U.S. statistics indicate that one of every eight or ten women develop breast cancer.Cause...

Discoloration of the teeth

Reasons:External causes:Sediment surface where it settles to some dyes and pigments found in food on the surface of the teeth and This type of hypocrisy when a lot of tea and coffee, smoking and certain medications for patients Iron solutions anemia and some mouthwashes solutions that address gingivitis such as klorhecsudain, and can control this type of Discoloration pigmentation...

Hindi nine tips to protect your hair

There is no doubt that the Hindu girl has a beautiful shiny hair, and are generally characteristic of the continent have girls Hindi. In the Indian study published recently recommended cosmetic specialists in India, followers of nine notes help get your hair soft and healthy.1 - healthy hair starts from your body you should knowFoods that you eat is affect mainly to get healthy...

Tips to reduce the severity of acne

Of the common errors made by the young men and women who suffer from acne, lack of knowledge about good health principles to deal with pimples and grains that are called acne, and the result is that the irritation of the situation and increase the suffering of people, especially when in this season of the year.Here are some tips important and effective addition to treatment,...

Risks of smoking on oral health and dental

If we reflect the relationship of the mouth, we find that smoking a cigarettes like the mouth of the chimney, which we see the roofs of houses. Imagine how to be smoked after igniting the wood, and burned with the deep dark days do not bear the heat, especially in hot winters long and may collapse.This is the case inanimate objects, let alone under any circumstances mouth...

The risk of hair dryer

Hair dryer which operates hot air heat, before embarking on this subject we must know the heat: energy is transmitted from the body or body or system to another system at different temperatures, and energy: the changes or chemical reactions or biochemical or Physical Chemistry that occurs to the body by different processes, including heat, Hair Dryer one of these processes...

ice cream with Strawberry sauce, nuts

Ingredients:1 package vanilla ice cream2 tbsp crushed hazelnuts2 tbsp crushed peanutsSauce:1 / 2 kg strawberries200 grams sugar2 lemon juiceHow to prepare:- prepare a vessel and put all the components prior to the fire for 15 minutes to boil well and then we beat her in a blender, filter, and left to use.- Prepare a deep cup and put ice cream and strawberries thieves and outlines...

ice cream with White chocolate

Ingredients:½ cup of white chocolate¾ cup of sugarA quarter liter of water4 eggs whitesA decent pint4 tablespoons of bleached strawberry wafer biscuits and chocolate blackHow to prepare:- national human beings human beings coarse white chocolate.- The child mix sugar and water in a casserole, then a national Agitators it on low heat until it melts, and leaves to a boil for...

Treatment of any pain

Do friction palms of the hands of the power due to friction, static, and place the hands on the subject of pain directly on the skin, research is through contact with the skin. Lightly for a few minutes, then re-contact and touch several timesThis method is very useful in conditions of headache or in any cases of infectious intestinal distractions or other nerve pain, and...


This is to let you know that this is about a health blog,with tips how to increase the health of each other of us.Managing your health is the best way for a long living life.In this blog your will find all information you need to improve your health.Let us all improve our health.SECRET TO A LONG LIFEThe first day God created the cow.God said, "You must go to the field with the farmer all day suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support...


1) Eat BetterCollege students are victimized by eating on the run, whether it be a quick bite at the Wright Place between classes or indulging in a tasty Big Mac. Rarely do college students pay attention to the food pyramid or whether or not they eat enough fruit and vegetables. In fact, many new dieting phenomena, such as the Atkins Diet, encourage elimination of important food groups, such as carbohydrates, as a substitute for weight loss via monitoring...


1) Eat BetterCollege students are victimized by eating on the run, whether it be a quick bite at the Wright Place between classes or indulging in a tasty Big Mac. Rarely do college students pay attention to the food pyramid or whether or not they eat enough fruit and vegetables. In fact, many new dieting phenomena, such as the Atkins Diet, encourage elimination of important food groups, such as carbohydrates, as a substitute for weight loss via monitoring...