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Sunday, November 15, 2009

White Bread: Why Is It Bad For You?

White Bread: Why Is It Bad For You? This one item that has long been a constant at every body's breakfast tables, has earned quite a bad reputation over recent years. We keep being told that white bread is bad for us, for your health; why exactly is this? What is it about white bread that is so bad for you?Here are three of those reasons which will make you think again about...

Importance of Vitamin C

Importance of Vitamin C Vitamin C is really important to your family health if you want to boost your immune system especially now that Influenza A (H1N1) is threatening everybody’s health, better eat vitamin C-rich foods everyday. Vitamin C reduces blood pressure, has the ability to reduce the severity of colds and could protect you against cataract and certain cancers too.Red...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What is Swine Flu?

What is swine flu? Like people, pigs can get influenza (flu), but swine flu viruses aren't the same as human flu viruses. Swine flu doesn't often infect people, and the rare human cases that have occurred in the past have mainly affected people who had direct contact with pigs. But the current "swine flu" outbreak is different. It's caused by a new swine flu virus that has...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pimples -Tips from indian women

Pimples -Tips from indian women 1.apply paste of masar ki daal (orange colour) with water or milk. it really works..2.Mix multanimitti and turmreic with rosewater,apply it on your face over 20mnts,wash it off with lukewarm water,and pat it dry,continue this treatment over 2 weeks,u can get an amazin result for ur pimples.3.Apply pudhina powder with honey or rose water on your...


HEALTHY JUICES FOR TOTAL WELLNESS Recommend below are the secret recipe for healthy drinkingCarrot + Ginger + Apple = Boost and cleanse our system.Apple + Cucumber + Celery = Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and improve stomach upset and headache.Tomato + Carrot + Apple = Improve skin complexion and bad breath.Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk = Avoid bad breath and reduce internal...


NATURAL FACIALS -FOOD FOR FACE ORANGESqueeze juice of an orange and mix with a tablespoon of plain yoghurt. Apply on face, avoiding the eye area. Rinse off after 10 minutes and splash face with cold water.OLIVE OILHeat a cup of olive oil in the microwave for a few seconds. Massage onto dry areas of your skin.Heat enough olive oil to fill half a small clothes basin. Soak your...

Get Rid Of Your Acne Overnight

Get Rid Of Your Acne OvernightThere are several different commercial products available in the market to get rid of acne. Some of these commercial products provide the desired result but they are too much expensive. Some commercial products are cheap but they does not provide the desired result but even more damage your skin. If you are looking to get rid of your acne then...

50 Secrets of the FITTEST

50 Secrets of the FITTESTCan you keep a secret? Better yet, can you keep 50? Can you use these secrets to change your life and your body for the better? If you did nothing other than incorporate these secrets into your daily life, in a year's time they would amount to substantial change. Here is what a fit person does 1.Always keep a water bottle and drink from it often. Water...