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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Best Eye Care Tips

1. Take short breaks: avoid spending or sitting long hours before computer rather take short breaks in between and relax. 2. Don’t rub your eyes: this is the common mistake done by many people when something entered your eye, instead take others help to get rid off. 3. Drinking more water helps: by drinking more water you can reduce the puffiness of your eyes and makes...

Tips to avoid coughs and colds

Everyone still seems to be coming down with a cough, cold or even the flu. But you can avoid the snuffles, by putting our Top 10 tips into action 1.Think green. Dark green leafy vegetables, like kale, greens and spinach, Vitamin C and E all help your body fight infections and boost your immune system. - Find lots of tasty recipes with spinach and kale 2. Don't be a sinner. Smoking...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

3 meals a day is ideal to take care of your hair

Breakfast:1) a cup of milk added to vitamins2) eggs Poached3) a large slice of bread4) the problem of vegetable5) a grain of citrus fruitFood:1) the authority dish containing dark-colored vegetables as Jerir, spinach, broccoli, thyme, lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes, with the addition of 5 grains of walnuts and a teaspoon of flax seed oil.2) 10 pieces of beef liver, grilled...

Pomegranate juice against prostate cancer

U.S. researchers reported that pomegranate juice - which was notorious as a health drink - has the effect of anti-prostate cancer, according to research conducted on laboratory mice.The researchers said in this week's Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, said the prostate tumors in mice that were transferred to human cancer prostate tumors shrank after drinking...

Five symptoms to know Breast Cancer

Breast tumors are the most common tumors in women, and if 90% of benign tumors only 15% of breast tumors are malignant tumors 'cancer'. In America there are about one hundred and eighty thousand new cases of breast cancer, and more than forty thousand deaths from this cancer annually. U.S. statistics indicate that one of every eight or ten women develop breast cancer.Cause...

Discoloration of the teeth

Reasons:External causes:Sediment surface where it settles to some dyes and pigments found in food on the surface of the teeth and This type of hypocrisy when a lot of tea and coffee, smoking and certain medications for patients Iron solutions anemia and some mouthwashes solutions that address gingivitis such as klorhecsudain, and can control this type of Discoloration pigmentation...

Hindi nine tips to protect your hair

There is no doubt that the Hindu girl has a beautiful shiny hair, and are generally characteristic of the continent have girls Hindi. In the Indian study published recently recommended cosmetic specialists in India, followers of nine notes help get your hair soft and healthy.1 - healthy hair starts from your body you should knowFoods that you eat is affect mainly to get healthy...